Sunday, 2 January 2022

Power Automate: Update file metadata and preserve version history.

In this blog, we will be updating file properties/metadata whenever a new file is uploaded into the library.

In this approach, we will use the REST API and wrap it into a Power Automate flow.

Create Flow

Complete flow with all actions

Flow URL -

1. Open the flow, click on the Create option, and select "Automated Cloud Flow".

Enter Flow name.
Choose the flow trigger as "When an item is created".
Click the Create button.

2. Enter the "Site Address" SharePoint site URL and the "List Name" library title where flow needs to be associated.

Add a new action step, "Compose" and rename it "Compose-user".

In input, add an object as shown below. Created By Claims is value; here we will get the claims value of the user who is uploading the file.

3. Add a new action step again, "Compose" and rename it as "Compose-update".

In input, add an object as shown below.


    "FieldName": "Internal column name",

    "FieldValue": "desired value"







The input value will be an array of objects, and each object defines the configuration of the column to be updated. The FieldName is the internal column name, and the FieldValue is the desired value that you want to set in that column.

In my example, the Editor (Modified by) and Title columns are updated.

In the Editor FieldValue output of Compose-user will be set.

Note: Flow is running under the service account. If the Editor field is updated, then we can also preserve the Modified By column. Otherwise, the service account value will be updated in the Modified By column.

4. Add a new action step: Send an HTTP request to SharePoint.

Here we will compose a REST API request call.

  • Site Address: SharePoint site URL where the library is present
  • Method: POST
  • Uri: _api/web/lists/getbytitle('<List Title>')/items(<ID>)/validateUpdateListItem
  • Body: 

   "formValues": outputs('Compose_-_update'),

        validateUpdateListItem: REST API ValidateUpdateListItem() function to update listitem metadata

        formValues: The value must be the output of the second Compose action.

        bNewDocumentUpdate: true (Not to create any version on update) or false (Create a version on the update)

        For details refer:

        Upload the file to the Documents library and test the flow.

        🚀 "Happy Coding" 🚀

        Saturday, 24 July 2021

        SharePoint Home site.

         In this blog, we will be discussing the SharePoint Home site.

        What is SharePoint Home site?

        SharePoint Home site is a Communication site. It is the main landing/home site for your modern SharePoint intranet portal. It brings together news, documents, events, content, conversations, feeds, videos, and other resources.

        How to set the site as Home site?

        1. Create a new site or use an existing Communication site.

        2. Open SharePoint Online Management Shell in administrative mode and connect to SharePoint as a global admin or SharePoint admin.

        Here I have installed Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell modules.

        SharePoint Online Management Shell: Getting Started

        3. Run the below command:

        Set-SPOHomeSite -HomeSiteUrl

        It will take some time to reflect on the change. In my case, it took 20 minutes. Run the below command to check which site is currently set as the Home site.


        Home site can also be set easily through the SharePoint Online admin center.

        Go to SharePoint Online admin center at

        1. Click on the Settings option.

        2. Click on the "Home site" link.

        3. Enter the URL of the SharePoint Online communication site that you would like to set as a home site.

        4. Press the Save button.

        ~~~ Things to know ~~~

        1. Only PowerShell is available to set a site as the Home site. Currently, it cannot be done through UI as of now.

        Update: Home site can be set easily through the SharePoint Online admin center.

        2. Only one site can be set as the Home site for a Tenant.

        Update: In the latest release, users will be able to set up multiple home sites by using multiple Viva Connections experiences. The feature is currently in private preview and is expected to start rolling out broadly by the end of July 2023.

        3. Home site (Communication site) search scope will now be tenant-wide. The default search scope is at the site level only.

        4. Home site can be a Hub site also.

        5. News coming from the Home site will have a distinguishing highlighted Home site name banner.

        The same is available in the SharePoint mobile app.

        6. Enables quick access (Home icon) to the Home site from the SharePoint mobile app.

        7. The Global Navigation option will be enabled for the Home site now.

        Remove site as Home site

        Run the below command to remove the site as your Home site.

        Update: Home site can be removed easily through the SharePoint admin center.

        🚀 "Happy Coding" 🚀

        Sunday, 4 July 2021

        SharePoint Online Management Shell: Getting Started

        In this blog, we will be discussing SharePoint Online Management Shell. The introduction, installation, and some example commands.


        SharePoint Online Management Shell is a tool that contains a Windows PowerShell module that allows administrators to manage their SharePoint Online subscription in Office 365 using PowerShell.

        SharePoint administrators can manage Sites, Users, Tenants and etc. Some of the tasks can be performed in the Microsoft 365 admin center, but not all operations are possible. Command-line operations in Windows PowerShell are composed of a series of commands. We can perform read, write, and execute command-line operations, and they are easier in PowerShell.


        SharePoint Online Management Shell is not present out-of-the-box on the Windows operating system. You need to install the SharePoint Online Management Shell and connect to SharePoint Online.

        There are two options:

        1. Download and install the SharePoint Online Management Shell .msi package.

        2. Install the module from the PowerShell Gallery

        Open Windows PowerShell (or CMD) in administrative mode and install the SharePoint Online Management Shell by running the below command:

        Install-Module -Name Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell

        Once the module is installed, execute the below command in administrative mode to check its details:
        Get-Module -Name Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell -ListAvailable | Select Name,Version

        To update the SharePoint Online Management Shell, run the below command in administrative mode:
        Update-Module -Name Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell

        To uninstall the SharePoint Online Management Shell, run the below command in administrative mode:
        Uninstall-Module -Name Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell

        Run the below command to connect with the SharePoint Online admin center. Enter the SharePoint admin account credentials in the request dialogue box.

        Connect-SPOService -Url

        To disconnect and close the connection, run the below command:

        Disconnect-SPOService -Url

        🚀 "Happy Coding" 🚀

        Tuesday, 19 November 2019

        Export PDF in Power Apps and Power Automate (MS Flows): Approach 1

        In this blog, we will be exporting the List Item details into the PDF document with a button click. This approach is based on the use of both PowerApps and PowerAutomate.

        In this scenario, a customized PowerApps form is there that is used to display data coming from the SharePoint list, and a button will be present on click of which users can export content into the PDF.

        Create Flow

        Complete flow with all actions

        1. Open the flow, click on the Create option, search for "PowerApps", and select the option "PowerApps button" which triggers the flow on button click.

        2. Add the "Initialize variable" action.
        Enter the required values: – Name, Type and Value. To initialize the value, click on "See more".

        Now click on the option "Ask in PowerApps"; it means the value will come from PowerApps form when flow is called as a parameter.

        Select and add the initialized values. Similarly, create a new variable. Filename and initialize.

        Now create the FileFullname variable. To initialize the value, select the Expression tab and concatenate the value of the filename variable with the .html file extension.

        Similarly, create a new variable, CurrentUser and initialize.

        3. Add "Create File" (OneDrive for Business) action.
        Click on the Folder icon present in the Folder Path textbox. Browse the library and select the folder under which the HTML file will be saved and later converted to PDF.

        Set the variables initialized above for File Name and File Content.

        4. Add the "Create file using path" (OneDrive for Business) action.
        Click inside the File Path textbox, and a callout will open. Select Path value from the Create file in OneDrive group under Dynamic content. Set PDF as the Target type.
        Note: Create file OneDrive is the previous action, and these are all the outputs of it.

        5. Add the "Send an email (V2)" (Office 365 Outlook) action.
        Provide the required value for this as shown below.

        Modify PowerApps Form

        1. Open the list where Export PDF functionality needs to be implemented. Click on "Customize forms" to open PowerApps.

        2. Add a new screen and add an HTML text control to it.

        3. Add the HTML content with dynamic values as shown. The content will be added in double quotes.

        4. Add a button for "Export to PDF" functionality. On the button, attach the flow.
            a. Select the button.
            b. On the Action tab, select Flows.
            c. All available flows will appear; select the required one.
            d. Choose the "OnSelect" option to RUN the flow and pass the required parameters.
            e. Save and Publish the PowerApps.

        5. Open the display form and click on the "Export PDF" button.

        6. The exported PDF will be sent to the current logged-in user's email..

        Check the final exported PDF here

        🚀 "Happy Coding" 🚀

        Saturday, 2 March 2019

        Transpile ES6 (ES2015) to ES5 code using GULP.

        In this blog, I will be sharing how to transpile ES6 (ES2015) to ES5 code using GULP.

        Steps to transpile ES6 (ES2015) to ES5 code using GULP.

        Babel is the go-to transpiler for ES6.
        Download and install Node.JS on your system from

        1. Create a project folder and navigate there in the terminal (cmd.exe).

        2. To start, we need to generate a package.json file, use

          npm init

        This will ask for a few properties: What is the name of your project, version, description, and entry point (it sets the main file of your project)? Leave it as index.js

        After all options are selected, a "package.json" file will be created with all properties. The package.json file can be edited to update the property’s value set above.

        3. Now install the dependencies for the Babel package.
        We need the Babel core, CLI, and ES2015 presets..

        Babel-CLI: used to compile files from the command line.
        Babe-Core: is a library that gives the ability to use the new functionalities of ES6 for ES5
        ES2015 preset: ensures the ability to transpile ES6

          npm install --save-dev babel-cli babel-core babel-preset-es2015

        After running the above command, you will see a few new changes in your project directory. First, you will notice that there is now a "node_modules" folder, and second, there is a new entry inside your "package.json" file.

        The --save-dev flag will save the modules babel-cli, babel-core, and babel-preset-es2015 in your package.json file under the devDependencies section. This section is used for modules that will be used in development, meaning they are not needed in production. If we had run our install with --save instead, it would have put the module under the dependencies section.

        4. Project structure

          |-- dist // Build will end up here
          |-- src // All source code should be inside this folder
              |-- index.js
          |-- gulpfile.js
          |-- package.json

        5. Configuration
        Configure Babel to use the ES2015 plugin in your package.json (or .babelrc if you prefer).

          "babel": {
              "presets": ["es2015"]

        The first method of transpiling we will look at is using NPM to run Babel. In the "package.json" file, there is a section called "scripts," where we can define commands we would like to run. Using the Babel CLI, we can set up a script to compile our code and output it where we would like. The scripts section takes a JSON object as a value. The keys in this object will be the name of our script, and the value will be the command to run.

          "scripts": {
              "buildjs": "babel ./src/index.js --out-file ./dist/index.js"

        Adding the above to our package.json in the scripts section will take code from src/index.js, run it through Babel, and output the file in dist/index.js. The Babel command has many options that we will look at later, but the --out-file flag is used to determine the destination of the compiled source.
        Add some code to the src/index.js file and type npm run buildjs into your terminal so you get the output in dist/index.js.

        Now, when we run the script, it will output the file and stop. If you want to keep working on the file, we need to run this repeatedly. We can configure the script to watch over the files and run when they change!

          "scripts": {
              "buildjs": "babel ./src/index.js --watch --out-file ./dist/index.js"

        By adding the --watch flag, we are telling Babel to listen for any changes in the "src/app.js" file, and when changes are made, we want to output a transpiled version of that code to "dist/app.js".

        6. Gulp is an NPM module and a task runner that helps to automate. We need to install Gulp globally on the system, so we install it.

          npm install -g gulp

        Now install the dependencies for the gulp package.
        We need gulp and the Babel module for gulp.

          npm install --save-dev gulp gulp-babel

        After running the above, you will see a few new changes again in your project directory in the "node_modules" folder, and second, that there is a new entry inside your "package.json" file.

        7. Configuration
        Create a new file called "gulpfile.js" and require the two gulp libs:

          const gulp = require('gulp');
          const babel = require('gulp-babel');

        The require function will pull in any modules from the ‘node_modules’ folder. The code in gulpfile.js can be written in ES6 or ES5 both will work.

        Gulp is all about tasks. We will start by defining some simple tasks in this file.

        I have created the task "default". You can provide any task name, with the exception of default. This task JS will pick up the JS files from /src folder, compile them with Babel, and save everything in /dist folder.

        To run this default task

        The ES6 code will be compiled into JavaScript. Here, the command ran only once, and for every change, the command needs to be executed every time. 

        Let us set up the ability for Gulp to keep watching our files. The method takes a few arguments: a file path that waits for file changes and an array of the task(s) you want to run.

        To run task

        This will listen for all the file changes and compile them to ES5 code.

        🚀 "Happy Coding" 🚀